Installation Instructions:

Prerequisites for COMETS installation are to have Java 64-bit installed.

Java can be downloaded and installed from: The minimum version of required 64-bit Java is 1.8.

To run the jupyter notebooks with cometspy, you need to install Python. We recommend installing the   Anaconda distribution of Python:

COMETS Installation:

The installation page contains the following COMETS installers:

Mac OS (comets_macos.tar.gz)

Linux (comets_linux.tar.gz) 

Windows (

Download one of these files for your system, and move them in a directory of your choice. 

Go to that directory.  

To install COMETS on Linux or Mac

Open a command line terminal, go to the directory where you moved the file and do:

tar xvf comets_linux.tar.gz  

if installing on Linux or

tar xvf comets_macos.tar.gz 

if installing on a Mac. 

To install COMETS on Windows, extract the file. 

This will create a directory comets_linux on a Linux system, or comets_macos on a Mac, 

or comets_windows\comets_windows on Windows. 

Go to that directory with:

cd  comets_linux 


cd comets_macos


cd comets_windows\comets_windows

Then finish the installation by following the instructions in the README file.